To help survivors of recent disasters donate to the Governor's Emergency Relief Fund
Alabama Governor's Office of Volunteer Services

Give Sensibly: Give cash!
The National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (NOVAD) recommends giving CASH. Cash offers voluntary agencies the most flexibility in obtaining the most-needed resources. Many charities specialize in providing relief in disaster areas, yet they face significant financial barriers to getting their staff, equipment, and supplies into impacted areas.
Your donation helps put experienced disaster responders on the ground and gives them the tools they need to help survivors recover.
Please do not send or bring unsolicited donations. In the early stages of the response phase, most organizations are unable to accommodate any material goods. Unsolicited donations create a challenge of storage and sorting when focus is needed on response and recovery.
Current organizations accepting monetary donations to help with disaster response and recovery:
Governor's Emergency Relief Fund (GERF)
National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (NVOAD)
Many national volunteer organizations will help with disaster response and recovery efforts in Louisiana in the days, weeks, and months to come. To learn more about NVOAD member agencies and to provide financial support to a NVOAD, visit: Check back regularly for additional information as it becomes available.
Alabama Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (ALVOAD)
To support those who respond to disasters consider one of the following ALVOAD member agencies:
Alabama Baptist Disaster Relief
Baldwin County VOAD
Civil Air Patrol Alabama Wing
Coffee County ROCC/VOAD
Compassion Coalition of Tuscaloosa County
Covington County VOAD
Cullman County VOAD
Elmore County VOAD
Etowah County VOAD
Family Guidance Center of Alabama
Good Shepherd UMC
Hope Animal Assisted Crisis Response
Jefferson County VOAD
Legal Services of Alabama
Madison County VOAD
Marshall County Commission
Mobile County VOAD
Morgan County VOAD
North Alabama Conference of the United Methodist Church
Operation Blessing International
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
The Alabama-West Florida Conference United Methodist Church
Tuscaloosa VOAD
United Way of East Central Alabama/1st Call for Help
United Way of Northwest Alabama
United Way of Selma & Dallas County
United Way of Southwest Alabama
Walker County VOAD
For more information on disaster services needs, contact the Governor's Office of Volunteer Services at:
Phone: 334-242-1549
Helpful tips for Donating:
Cash is best! –This allows relief organizations to purchase exactly what items are needed to assist in the response and recovery efforts. Funds will also provide direct victim assistance.
Confirm the Need Before Collecting – Donors should be wary of anyone who claims that “everything is needed.” Many groups have been disappointed that their efforts and the goods they collected were not appreciated. A community hit by disaster, however, does not have the time, manpower or money to sort and dispose of unneeded donations. Get precise information and confirm the need before collecting any donated goods.