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Alabama Governor's Office of Volunteer Services
Alabama AmeriCorps State
Member Resources

Below you will find resources, training and technical assistance, and information for AmeriCorps State members created by AmeriCorps and the Governor's Office of Volunteer Services (GOVS).
My AmeriCorps Portal
My AmeriCorps is an interactive portal for members and alumni to find information about their service and benefits. You can use My AmeriCorps Portal to:
Request forbearance on qualified student loans
Update contact information
Check living allowance and tax statements
Check education award balance and value
Request payments to education institutions and loan holders
Segal AmeriCorps Education Award
The award is named after Eli Segal, a pioneer of national service and the first CEO of AmeriCorps, formerly known as the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS). If you have questions about your education award, please check with your AmeriCorps Program Director.
Featured Resources:
AmeriCorps Alumni and Employers of National Service
Resources for programs looking to do trainings or find information on life after AmeriCorps.
Featured Resources:
AmeriCorps Alums
Employers of National Service
Employment and Alumni with Disabilities
Continuing to Serve - AmeriCorps VISTA, AmeriCorps NCCC, Peace Corps
Health Care Coverage Options for AmeriCorps State and National Members
Health Care is applicable to full-time AmeriCorps members serving in programs receiving AmeriCorps State and National grants. For more specific questions, please speak with your Program Director.
AmeriCorps Member Safety
AmeriCorps members have the expectation and the right to serve in a safe environment, and to be treated with dignity and respect. If you believe you are experiencing harassment, discrimination, or other safety and security issues, AmeriCorps and GOVS is committed to working with program leadership to address and assist in resolving these concerns as quickly as possible. AmeriCorps and GOVS has zero tolerance for harassment. If your safety or security has been threatened in an AmeriCorps program, it is important to report the incident to appropriate program leaders and sponsor supervisors. For sexual assault, contact local law enforcement authorities by calling 911.