Member Spotlight: DeMonzo McGinnis, Mobile Baykeeper AmeriCorps Program Member
Meet DeMonzo McGinnis, AmeriCorps Patrol Member, currently serving with the Mobile Baykeeper organization, in the Mobile Baykeeper AmeriCorps program.

1. What motivated you to join AmeriCorps? Wanting to make a vital improvement to the environment is what motivated me to join AmeriCorps. I previously obtained an internship with ADEM, Alabama Department of Environmental Management; it really ignited a spark for protecting the environment while making sure that the creeks and rivers I grew up fishing and playing in are protected.
2. What would you like to get out of this service opportunity? I want to learn all the nuances of running a successful non-profit organization. In addition, I want to be in connection with one that fights alongside the average person to ensure they are granted the rights and tools needed to live a happy successful life.
3. What will your service focus on for the 2019-20 program year? During this program year, my service will focus on water quality monitoring, dealing with both ambient water testing as well as construction storm water. I plan to work to hold corporations and businesses accountable for any negligible or unforeseen impacts to the aquatic environment and public health.
4. What are your plans after AmeriCorps? I am graduating this year with my Bachelor’s in Biology. I plan to take the knowledge and experience gained at Mobile Baykeeper and ADEM to find a position I deem appropriate. My life plan is to help further my goal of solving a series of systematic issues that plague our communities.
Thank you for your service, DeMonzo!